Shaking up the cooking

A new family of Olicatessen& arrives for Christmas!

From November the 3rd you can surprise, enjoy and play with this new oils.

Garlic, Mandarin and Savory and Lemon and Ginger. A delicious explosion of aromas and flavor shaking up our kitchen.

A full range collection!

Olicatessen& Garlic
Garlic is an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean cuisine. Traditionally used as a detoxifying, stimulating defenses and many other medicinal properties. For bread, the pizza, pasta, chicken and soups is where we give it more use.

Olicatessen& Lemon and Ginger
Very aromatic spice lemon and ginger found in the mouth. It is a complex oil and season highlights especially well with fish, salads, chicken, duck and fruit salads.

Olicatessen& Mandarin and Savory
Mushrooms, potatoes and cold meats are the perfect partners for this oil. Also to make vinaigrettes and dressing olives. Savory is “Olive’s herbs” because traditionally, especially in Lleida, has been used marinade seasoning.


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