Gastronomic aspects of the extra virgin olive oil

The olive oil is extra virgin olive juice that keeps intact its original flavor and is a totally natural product that remains in excellent condition as it has natural antioxidants that protects it from rancidity . The Extra Virgin Olive oil also has enormous plasticity that we see reflected in its varied forms of use, since their names on each plate are multiple.

  • Gives taste, aroma and color
  • Modify the textures
  • Transmits heat
  • emulsifies the food
  • Customize and identifies a plate.
  • The performance of extra virgin olive oil is greater than that of other vegetable fats , both cold and hot .
    In cold, garnishing salads, vegetables, fish, etc. . , Can be used in smaller quantities since its flavor and aroma are more intense.
    By heating the extra virgin olive oil is easily verified as “grows” as their volume increases and therefore less is needed for cooking and frying.


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